Sol is a Jedi knight during the final days of the High Republic era, centuries before the events of the main films. As an acolyte, Sol is part of a group exploring the dark side of the Force, delving into its mysteries and powers. The character embodies the allure and danger of the dark side, navigating the complex and morally ambiguous path that often leads to conflict with the Jedi Order.
Sol’s journey in is marked by intrigue, power struggles, and the exploration of the dark side’s seductive nature. The series highlights the growing tension between the light and dark sides of the Force during a relatively peaceful time in the galaxy’s history, providing a deeper understanding of the dark side’s influence and its role in the broader Star Wars narrative.
This lightsaber features the following:
Built from 6063 aluminum alloy with a polycarbonate blade, the lightsaber supports dueling.
Has flash on clash, saber lock, blaster mode, and more.
Xeno V3 (or Proffie where available) Sound board with over 15 preinstalled sound fonts
The blade can be removed.
Bluetooth enabled.
Lightsaber comes with the following:
Grub screws
USB Charger
1x 92cm Blade
1x Hilt
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