

Lothal Orphan


This unique, cutlass-style saber is modeled after that of orphan-turned-unofficial-jedi Ezra Bridger.  Ezra was orphaned on the planet Lothal at a very young age, his parents victims of the Empire.  On Lothal, he would become entangled in the exploits of the Spectre rebel cell, headed by Hera Syndulla and Kanan Jarrus.  Kanan, a former Jedi Padawan and survivor of Order 66, would take Ezra under his wing as an apprentice and teach him in the ways of the Force.  Ezra constructed this cutlass-style saber with a secondary functionality as a blaster.

The Lothal Orphan is a unique, cutlass-style saber is modeled after that of orphan-turned-unofficial-jedi Ezra Bridger.  Ezra was orphaned on the planet Lothal at a very young age, his parents victims of the Empire.  On Lothal, he would become entangled in the exploits of the Spectre rebel cell, headed by Hera Syndulla and Kanan Jarrus.  Kanan, a former Jedi Padawan and survivor of Order 66, would take Ezra under his wing as an apprentice and teach him in the ways of the Force.  Ezra constructed this cutlass-style saber with a secondary functionality as a blaster.

This lightsaber features the following:

The lightsaber supports dueling. Has flash on clash and blaster mode.
Ultra loud sound and bright light
The blade can be removed. Please do not open or take down the hilt of lightsaber.
1 blade

Lightsaber comes with the following:

Grub screws
USB Charger
1x 92cm Blade
1x Handle

Saber Type

Pixel Saber, RGB

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